ARTICEL • Mar 03, 2023

Providing Constructive Feedback to the Design Team

I have been diving into the UX & UI design industry for about six years, and for the last two years, I have been enjoying my role as a design lead. In general, my role is to ensure that our projects are worked on according to the plan and able to produce high-quality design deliverables. In addition, I also have to ensure that my team members can always learn and develop both technical skills and soft skills.

The Importance of Design Leads Ensuring his Team Members Grow

If the design lead succeeds in developing the design team, it will be easier to complete the project nicely. Every project always has different challenges and needs. With continuously developed design skills, the designer will get used to facing these challenges and be able to come up with a solution quickly and precisely. If designers don’t improve, they will constantly face difficulties without understanding how to solve them. It would make the progress of the project become obstructed.

The Essence of Constructive Feedback in the Design Process

Design feedback has two purposes;

Providing feedback to designers should not be arbitrary. Destructive feedback can make designers feel down, demotivated, and even frustrated. In addition, it will cause junior designers to make the same mistakes through and through. It will also make the leader give the same grind feedback repeatedly.

Give the Reason

Example of poor feedback:

Example of good feedback:

From this example, we can see that explaining the reason for the feedback will drive the designer to learn the basic UI design principles, such as; the importance of color consistency, color psychology, and how to create a balance layout design. This learning process will make them not repeat the same mistakes if they face the same challenges in other projects.

I know it takes effort to explain the feedback in that much detail. But this approach is worth it. Like an investment, we can only feel the benefits in the future. The effect of this feedback approach also will be seen when the design team has developed and is working on the future project. They will understand how to do without too much direction and feedback from the leader.

Clarify with Call & Discussion

Directing a designer to do something is not as easy as doing the design directly with my hands. Sometimes it is challenging to describe the feedback to them. A designer’s incomprehension of my feedback will cause unnecessary design revisions. That’s why it is critical to ensure that the designers understand the feedback before they continue to work on the task.

If the feedback through descriptive chat/comment is not clear enough, then I will ask my design team to get a quick call with me. It has benefits such as:

The feedback in writing format sometimes creates pressure feeling on junior designers. Sometimes they think that I am enraged because my feedback is pretty long. Through calls, I can explain it in a more friendly tone so that designers know I’m not irate. I provide detailed feedback not because I am displeased but because I want the designer can create a high-quality design and learn to grow.

Show The Example

If I feel that my feedback is complicated, I will show a clear example on the top of my feedback. Psychologically, it is usually easier for a designer to understand when seeing an image rather than reading text or listening to explanations.

Another challenge that I usually face, sometimes a project is unique. I am having difficulties collecting examples from a competitor or similar product design. For a case like this, I will create my design samples and show them to the designer directly. Talk less, show more!

Be Open

Don’t be too quick to judge our designer’s work. Before giving feedback, allow them to present their design ideas. I never give feedback before listening to their thoughts. I often find their critical and creative thinking very good, but they don’t have enough chances to express it.

After providing feedback, don’t forget to allow designers to respond. I give space to the team to keep thinking critically so that I can provide objective feedback to achieve good product design results. From feedback, it should be able to trigger discussion. Feedback is not an absolute one-way order from the leader to the designer.


Fun fact: feedback is one thing designers are afraid of. Giving feedback is like judgment day for them. Most designers are introverts who always work wholeheartedly to get the job done as best they can. Inappropriate and sensitive speech can make them down and unenthusiastic. For this reason, it is imperative to give appreciation and positive expression to whatever their work is. Basic rules like saying the words “thank you” and “please” are often forgotten and pushed aside during a busy work schedule.

Still Stuck? Take Over

Sometimes, I have done all the approaches but the designer is still stuck. In this case, I can conclude that the designer needs a lot to learn, practice, and gain more experience. However, if the skills are still lacking, we cannot force them.

A design lead must be able to save the project. If the timeline is getting tighter but the design hasn’t finished, it’s time to take over. I will take over and continue the design work directly while keep explaining to the designers what should be done. This approach can save the project to keep running according to the target while providing learning for junior designers.

The article above is my method of providing feedback to the design team. I’m sure there are many more suitable approaches that I can explore. Even now, I am still learning and practicing so I can become a better design lead.

Thanks for reading! Keep learning and keep going!

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